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President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom
President Bush on Monday said, "...The notion of America and Britain sharing values is very important; and that we have an obligation, it seems to me, to work for freedom and justice around the world. And I found a person who shares that vision and who understands the call. After all, we're writing the initial chapters of what I believe is a great ideological struggle between those of us who do believe in freedom and justice and human rights and human dignity, and cold-blooded killers who will kill innocent people to achieve their objectives."
Press Briefing by Tony Snow
Watch Tuesday's Press Briefing with White House Press Secretary Tony Snow
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
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the know it all jerk
11:09 AM
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State of the Union
In his 2007 State of the Union Address, President Bush addressed the major issues facing our nation and discussed opportunities for both parties to work together to accomplish big objectives for the American people. The President unveiled a positive, comprehensive agenda that will improve the daily lives of the American people and explain how our actions in the world will make our Nation safer and more secure. The President believes we can find practical ways to advance the American Dream and keep our Nation safe without either party compromising its principles.
ENERGY: Twenty In Ten: Strengthening America's Energy Security
HEALTH CARE: Affordable, Accessible, And Flexible Health Coverage
EDUCATION: Building On Results: A Blueprint For Strengthening NCLB
IMMIGRATION: President Bush's Plan For Comprehensive Immigration Reform
HIV/AIDS: Leading The Worldwide Fight Against HIV/AIDS
MALARIA: The President's Malaria Initiative Is Saving Lives
DEFENSE: Strengthening Our Military
SPENDING REFORMS: Reforms To Spend Tax Dollars Wisely
News & Policies in Focus Protecting the Homeland
America is safer today because of the President's policies to strengthen the security of our Nation's infrastructure and our borders.
Hurricane Preparedness
More than a year after Hurricane Katrina, the Gulf Coast is rebuilding and the Nation is better prepared for future natural disasters.
Jobs & Economic Growth
The U.S. economy has created more than 7.8 million since August 2003, with nearly 2 million jobs created over the last 12 months. Our economy has now added jobs for 43 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.4 percent.
Judicial Nominations
President Bush has nominated outstanding judicial candidates to fill vacancies on the Federal courts of appeals.
Fighting a Global War on Terror
President Bush is committed winning the War on Terror by defeating our enemies abroad so we do not have to confront them here at home.
Renewal in Iraq
The President's National Strategy for Victory in Iraq is helping the Iraqi people defeat the terrorists and build an inclusive constitutional democracy at the heart of the Middle East.
Strengthening Social Security
The President is committed to keeping the promise of Social Security for today's retirees and those nearing retirement and strengthening Social Security for our children and grandchildren.
Reducing Deficits Each Year and
Balancing the Budget by 2012
The President’s FY2008 Budget reduces the deficit each year and reaches a balanced budget within five years. A strong economy and better spending restraint will help us achieve this goal, while continuing to invest in the Nation’s prosperity and security.
Keeping the Economy Strong
The Budget makes tax relief permanent to ensure our strong economic growth continues.
Since the President’s tax relief took effect, increased innovation and investment has created more than 7 million new jobs, and helped boost wages.
Pro-growth polices that focus on providing quality education, affordable health care, energy security, and making Americans more competitive will sustain economic growth and prosperity for future generations of all Americans.
Spending Taxpayers Dollars Wisely
The Budget holds the growth in non-security discretionary spending to one percent, well below the rate of inflation.
Budget reforms, including comprehensive earmark reform and a legislative line-item veto, will help eliminate wasteful and unnecessary spending.
Sensible reforms are needed to slow the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending.
Combating Terrorism and Protecting the Homeland
The Budget supports our troops fighting terrorism, strengthens our military for the future, supports our efforts on the diplomatic front and protects our homeland from attack.
This Budget improves the timeliness and specificity of the information provided to Congress and the American public about the cost of the war.
It shows the full cost of the war through the rest of the President’s term –and also provides detailed justifications.
State by State Budget Info
Press Releases
July 19, 2007
Fact Sheet: Balancing the Budget While Keeping Taxes Low
July 11, 2007
President Bush Discusses the Budget
Fact Sheet: Growing Economy and Fiscal Discipline Working to Reduce Budget Deficit
April 14, 2007
President's Radio Address
March 31, 2007
President's Radio Address
February 6, 2007
President Bush Discusses Fiscal Responsibility
Fact Sheet: Balancing the Budget Without Raising Taxes
February 5, 2007
President Bush Meets with the Cabinet
Press Briefing by OMB Director Rob Portman on the President's Fiscal Year 2008 Budget
2008 Budget Fact Sheets
January 23, 2007
President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address
Fact Sheet: Reforms To Spend Tax Dollars Wisely
January 6, 2007
President's Radio Address
January 3, 2007
President Bush Meets with Cabinet, Proposes Balanced Budget and Earmark Reform
Fact Sheet: A Balanced Budget by 2012 & Earmark Reform
Mid-Session Review, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2008
(52 pages, 1.13 MB)
2008 Budget Fact Sheets (48 pages, 407 KB)
Ask the White House
Steve McMillin
Deputy Director at the Office of Management and Budget
July 19, 2007
February 6, 2007
FY2008 Budget
Table of Contents
President Bush Delivers Commencement Address at United States Coast Guard Academy
"The men and women of the Coast Guard know how to navigate the storm. We're counting on you to help America weather the challenges that lie ahead. As you begin your Coast Guard careers, you can approach the future with confidence, because our nation has faced dangerous enemies before, and emerged victorious every time. Terrorists can try to kill the innocent, but they cannot kill the desire for liberty that burns in the hearts of millions across the earth. The power of freedom defeated the ideologies of fascism and communism in the last century, and freedom will defeat the hateful ideologies of the terrorists in this century." p>
President George W. Bush
May 23, 2007
President Bush Participates in Briefings at U.S. Department of Defense
"I believe that leaders of goodwill can deliver to our troops, and we've got to deliver it soon. Time is running out, because the longer we wait, the more strain we're going to put on the military. All Americans know the goodness and character of the U.S. Armed Forces. They are risking their lives each day to fight our enemies and to keep our people safe. Their families are making tremendous sacrifices on behalf of our country. It's important for the people who wear the uniform and their families to know that as the Commander-in-Chief, I'm proud of the sacrifices they have made, and the American people honor their service to our country."
President George W. Bush
May 10, 2007
Fact Sheet: Keeping America Safe From Attack
President Bush Discusses Intelligence Showing The Importance Of Defeating Al Qaeda In Iraq
On May 23, 2007, President Bush Delivered The Commencement Address At The U.S. Coast Guard Academy In New London, Connecticut. The President congratulated graduates and their families, praised the Coast Guard’s excellence in times of disaster and in the War on Terror, and discussed the bold action we have taken at home and abroad to keep the American people safe. He also discussed intelligence regarding the consequences of an al Qaeda victory in Iraq and detailed examples of al Qaeda’s efforts, including Osama bin Laden’s attempt to establish a terrorist cell in Iraq that would conduct attacks against other nations.
After The 9/11 Attacks, The Coast Guard Assumed New And Essential Responsibilities To Defend Our Nation Against Terrorist Infiltration And To Help Stop New Attacks. As part of Operation Noble Eagle, the men and women of the Coast Guard are protecting more than 360 ports and more than 95,000 miles of coastline.
The Men And Women Of The Coast Guard Are Also Deploying Overseas To Confront Terror Before It Reaches Our Shores. The Coast Guard is conducting maritime interception operations in the Persian Gulf and patrolling the waters off Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Our Security Depends On Helping The Iraqis Succeed And Defeating Al Qaeda In Iraq
Of The Forces In Iraq Trying To Stop Our Strategy From Succeeding, The Most Destructive One Is Al Qaeda.
The Terrorists View The Battle In Iraq As Part Of The War On Terror. Our intelligence community believes that al Qaeda sees victory in Iraq as a religious and strategic imperative. This would allow al Qaeda to follow through on their stated goals of turning Iraq into a base from which to overthrow moderate governments in the region, impose their hateful ideology on millions, and launch new attacks on America and other nations.
Osama bin Laden himself calls the struggle in Iraq a "war of destiny" – and has proclaimed "the war is for you or for us to win. If we win it, it means your defeat and disgrace forever."
Osama Bin Laden Attempted To Send A New Commander To Iraq. Osama bin Laden sent Iraqi-born terrorist Abd Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi to Iraq.
According to our intelligence community, Abd al-Hadi had been a senior advisor to bin Laden and served as his top commander in Afghanistan.
Abd Al-Hadi never made it to Iraq. He was captured late last year, and he was recently transferred to the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay.
To Protect The American People, We Must Fight The Terrorists Where They Live So We Do Not Have To Fight Them Where We Live
According To Our Intelligence Community, In January 2005, Osama Bin Laden Tasked The Terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi With Forming A Cell To Conduct Terrorist Attacks Outside Iraq.
Bin Laden emphasized that America should be Zarqawi’s number one priority in terms of foreign attacks, and Zarqawi welcomed this direction and claimed that he had already come up with some good proposals.
Our intelligence community reports that bin Laden then tasked one of his top terrorist operatives, Hamza Rabia to send Zarqawi a briefing on al Qaeda’s external operations, including information about operations against the American homeland.
Our intelligence community reports that a senior al Qaeda leader, Abu Faraj al-Libi went further and suggested that bin Laden actually send Rabia to Iraq to help plan external operations. Abu Faraj later speculated that if this effort proved successful, al Qaeda might one day prepare the majority of its external operations from Iraq.
In May 2005, Abu Faraj was captured and taken into CIA custody. Several months later, in December 2005, Rabia was killed in Pakistan. And several months after that, in June of 2006, the terrorist Zarqawi was killed by American forces in Iraq. Successes like these are blows to al Qaeda and a testament to steps we have taken to strengthen our intelligence, work closely with partners overseas, and keep the pressure on the enemy by staying on the offense.
Al Qaeda Leaders Intend To Strike Our Country Again
The Danger To Our Country Is Real And Continuing. While it is tempting to believe that the calm here at home since 9/11 means that the danger to our country has passed.
Last August, British Authorities Broke Up A Plot To Blow Up Passenger Airplanes Flying To America. Our intelligence community believes this plot was just two to three weeks away from execution and could have rivaled 9/11 in the death and destruction caused.
In December 2001 We Captured An Al Qaeda Operative Named Ali Salih Al-Mari Who Was Planning Attacks In The U.S. Our intelligence community believes Ali Salih al-Mari had training in poisons at an al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan and had been sent by 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (“KSM”) to the United States before 9/11 to serve as a sleeper agent ready for follow-on attacks. Our intelligence community believes KSM brought Ali Salih to meet Osama bin Laden, to whom he pledged loyalty. Our intelligence community also believes he and KSM discussed potential attacks on water reservoirs, the New York Stock Exchange, and U.S. military academies.
We Also Broke Up Other Post-9/11 Aviation Plots.
In 2002, we broke up a plot by KSM to hijack an airplane and fly it into the tallest building on the West Coast. During a hearing at Guantanamo Bay two months ago, KSM stated that the intended target was the Library Tower in Los Angeles.
In 2003, we uncovered and stopped a plot led by another suspected senior al Qaeda operative named Abu Bakr al-Azdi. Our intelligence community believes this plot was to be another East Coast aviation attack – hijacking multiple airplanes and then crashing them into targets in the United States.
We Have Taken Bold Action At Home And Abroad To Keep Our People Safe
Terrorist Plots Against The U.S. Have Thus Far Not Succeeded In Part Because We Have Taken Bold Action At Home And Abroad To Keep Our People Safe. We are determined to stop the world’s most dangerous people from striking America with the world’s most dangerous weapons. To help stop new attacks on our country, we have:
Reorganized the federal government by merging 22 different government organizations into a single Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with a clear mission to protect America from future attacks.
Strengthened our Nation’s intelligence community by creating the position of the Director of National Intelligence to ensure our intelligence agencies operate as a single, unified enterprise.
Created the National Counterterrorism Center where the FBI, the CIA, and other agencies work side-by-side to track terrorist threats across the world.
Directed the National Security Agency to monitor international terrorist communications.
Established a program run by the CIA to detain and question key terrorist leaders and operatives captured in the war on terror.
Passed the USA PATRIOT Act, which broke down the walls that had prevented Federal law enforcement and intelligence communities from sharing information about potential terrorist activities.
Transformed the FBI into an agency whose primary focus is stopping terrorist attacks.
Expanded the number of FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces from 35 before 9/11 to more than 100 today. We saw their effectiveness recently when one of these teams helped disrupt a plot by a group of al Qaeda-inspired extremists to kill American soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey.
Launched the BioWatch program, which placed state-of-the-art equipment in major U.S. cities to detect biological agents.
Placing radiation detectors in all major U.S. ports.
Placed advanced equipment and DHS personnel at foreign ports so we can pre-screen cargo headed for America.
Strengthened international cooperation in the fight against terror. A coalition of more than 90 nations is working together to dry up terrorist financing and bring terrorist leaders to justice.
Launched the Proliferation Security Initiative – a vast coalition of nations that are working to stop shipments of weapons of mass destruction on land, at sea, and in the air.
The Best Way To Protect Our People Is To Take The Fight To The Enemy. In Afghanistan, a regime that gave sanctuary and support to al Qaeda as they planned the 9/11 attacks has come to an end. And in Iraq, we removed a cruel dictator who harbored terrorists, paid the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, invaded his neighbors, defied the UN Security Council, and pursued and used weapons of mass destruction.
# # #
Making America More Secure by Transforming Our Military
Presidential Action
President Bush on August 16, 2004 announced the most comprehensive restructuring of U.S. military forces overseas since the end of the Korean War. By closing bases no longer needed to meet Cold War threats that have ended, this new initiative will bring home many Cold War-era forces while deploying more flexible and rapidly deployable capabilities in strategic locations around the world.
Taking advantage of 21 st century military technologies, the plan will increase U.S. military capabilities and combat power in every part of the world; improve our cooperation with, and our ability to defend, allies; and strengthen our ability to deter aggression - all while reducing the number of U.S. forces stationed at overseas bases.
The plan will make America safer by better preparing our military to address the new dangers associated with rogue nations, global terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction.
Over the next ten years, the President's plan will close hundreds of U.S. facilities overseas and bring home about 60,000 to 70,000 uniformed personnel and approximately 100,000 family members and civilian employees.
The plan will give our service members more time on the home front and fewer moves over a career. It will give military spouses fewer job changes and offer greater stability for their families. And it will save the taxpayers money, by closing hundreds of unneeded facilities around the world.
Goals of Our Plan for a 21 st Century Military
Expand U.S. defense relationships with allies and build new partnerships. Posture changes will increase our ability to carry out our defense commitments more effectively. The U.S. presence will be tailored to optimally balance our 21 st century military requirements, our relationships with allies and partners, local conditions, and the impact of a U.S. presence on host nations.
Develop flexibility to contend with uncertainty. Global threats to our national security can defy prediction. Therefore, the United States will develop new and expanded security relationships to emphasize flexibility in force posture.
Provide for both a regional and global forward presence. The demands of new threats require forces deployed overseas to be ready for missions anywhere in the world, regardless of where the forces are based - while we must be prepared to act regionally and locally and to maintain our commitments to NATO and other allies.
Enable rapid power projection. Our overseas force realignment must improve rapid response capabilities for distant contingencies, because our forces will not likely fight where they are stationed. This requires an updated transport infrastructure to facilitate movement of forces, prepositioned equipment along transport routes, and lean command structures for deployable operations.
Focus on capabilities instead of numbers. Leveraging U.S. advantages in speed, reach, precision, knowledge, and combat power is now the defining concept for military action. The number of forward-based forces in a given area is no longer an accurate representation of the effective military capability that the U.S. can bring to bear.
Our military global posture, developed to defend against Cold War adversaries, is not optimized to meet today's threats to our national security. Following World War II and the Korean War, our global posture focused on threats to specific regions and tailored our military presence to those regions. Our Cold War posture was established with the certainty that we knew our adversaries and where potential battles would be fought. But with the demise of the Soviet Union , once-familiar threats gave way to less predictable dangers. The lessons of the last 15 years teach us that we often send our forces to unpredictable places. The Cold War strategy of placing heavy forces in specific locations to defend against a known adversary needs to be changed to more effectively deal with today's threats.
It is no longer relevant to measure America's war-fighting capability by the number of troops and equipment in a particular country or region. During the 1990s, our military began a transformation from the industrial age to the information age. In this age, reach, stealth, precision, knowledge, and combat power, and not just the size of forces, allow us to dominate the battlespace. We learned that small, highly trained and networked units, platforms, and even individual warriors can have an effect on the battlefield that was previously reserved for much larger formations. Today, one high-tech ship or tank or aircraft can deliver the same combat power that once required ten ships or tanks or aircraft.
The Bush Administration is working to transform our forces to more effectively confront the dangers of the 21 st century and better protect America and our vital interests. Early in 2001, the Bush Administration adopted a new defense strategy that recognized the changing nature of warfare and the need for the Department of Defense to transform its institutions, its way of doing business, and its structures, both within the United States and abroad, in order to meet the challenges of the new era.
The 9/11 attacks magnified the new era of uncertainty that the Administration had previously recognized and had begun to prepare for in the 2001 defense strategy. Operations in Afghanistan -- and the global war on terror more broadly -- brought to the forefront the need to conduct a strategy-based review of our global defense posture. That review, conducted in close consultation with Congress and our allies , has served as the cornerstone of the President's defense transformation agenda.
Outline of Changes
Europe: Our efforts will support NATO's own transformation. We aim to eliminate Cold War infrastructures that are no longer relevant to today's security needs, replacing them with more flexible, deployable forces and headquarters. Our future posture will contain forward forces that are rapidly deployable for early entry into conflict both in Europe and beyond.
Heavy forces designed for a land war in Europe will return to the U.S.; they will be replaced by advanced, deployable capabilities and airborne units, supported by advanced training facilities and high-capacity mobility infrastructure.
Ground, air, and naval headquarters will be streamlined and consolidated.
Special forces, both forward-stationed and rotational, will increase in importance; they will be positioned for ease of movement both within and outside of Europe .
The Middle East Region: Cooperation and access provided by coalition partners during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom provide us with a solid basis for other forms of future cooperation.
We will maintain, and in some cases upgrade, sites for rotational forces and contingency purposes, supported by forward headquarters and advanced training facilities.
Rotational air, ground, and sea forces will provide presence, and assurance to our allies and partners, without permanence.
While we desire close relationships with Afghanistan and Iraq that will allow us to continue to play a positive role in their rebuilding efforts and in long-term regional security, any decision on long-term U.S. presence in these countries is a sovereign choice for their people and governments.
Asia: We will improve our ability to deter, dissuade, and defeat challenges in Asia through strengthened long-range strike capabilities, streamlined and consolidated headquarters, and a network of access arrangements.
The forward stationing of additional expeditionary maritime capabilities in the Pacific will enable prompt and effective military action both regionally and globally.
Advanced strike assets will be stationed in the Western Pacific.
In Northeast Asia we are working with our strongest allies to restructure our military presence and command structures while simultaneously improving capabilities in the region.
In Central and Southeast Asia we are working to establish a network of sites to provide training opportunities and contingency access both for conventional and special forces.
Africa and Latin America: We will expand our cooperative security relationships in Latin America and Africa to help partners meet the challenges they face.
We will enhance regional training, assist partners in building capacity for counter-terrorism and counter-narcotics, and maintain contingency access for remote areas.
We have no plans for Main Operating Bases in these regions.
Speeches & News ReleasesJuly 26, 2007
President Bush Addresses the American Legislative Exchange Council, Discusses Budget, Education and War on Terror
July 25, 2007
President Bush Jogs with Wounded Soldiers, Discusses Care For Returning Wounded Warriors
Setting the Record Straight: Targeting AL Qaeda
President Bush Receives Briefing by The Co-Chairs of The President's Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors
July 24, 2007
President Bush Discuss War on Terror in South Carolina
more news »
Ask the White HouseAlison Barber
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
July 1, 2005
March 25, 2005
Richard Armitage
Deputy Secretary of State
July 2, 2004
Paul Wolfowitz
Deputy Secretary of Defense
June 25, 2004
DocumentsFact Sheet: Supporting and Strengthening the Military and Military Families
Revitalizing National Defense
Radio Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State
August 18, 2004, Military Transformation
Related LinksDepartment of Defense
Defend America
Department of Justice
Department of Transportation
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